Saturday, April 8, 2017

Arnold's Injury

Injuries can happen on a farm all the time. Some goats can be extremely aggressive. We have one goat that is always aggressive with the other livestock, his name is Carl. Carl has hurt a few animals in the past and this time it was Arnold.
I try to not get attached to animals at the farm because a lot of the time they will get sold, or eaten. However, as weird as it sounds I really connected with Arnold. My boss told me the farm was keeping Arnold for breeding purposes. This made me connect with Arnold even more! I started to take him for walks around campus, and I even made a Christmas card with Arnold in an elf suit that I sent out to my friends and family. So you get the point that I love Arnold the goat. So when I found out he had a bad cut and wasn't doing good, I rushed over to the farm.

Arnold's cut was pretty deep and had pus coming out. I sat with Arnold for about one hour, watching him walk. He was limping, so I was concerned on the status of the cut. He was eating which was good, but not drinking water. Arnold sat down because his leg was obviously hurting. Because he was sitting, he couldn't reach his water. I got him his own smaller water bucket so he was staying hydrated.

The next day my co worker and I bandaged Arnold up with gauze. I have been cleaning the cut with warm water to prevent infection.

Keep Arnold in your thoughts!

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