Monday, April 3, 2017

How to Tell a Sheep is About to Give Birth

One of our sheep's at the farm is pregnant. This sheep, Katie is approaching her due date. When any animal is about three weeks from her due date we move them to their own small separate stall to feel comfortable and secluded from the other animals.

There are physical characteristics that is vital to check on daily. The basics of course, would be to make sure the animal is eating and drinking.

In the pictures below, you can obviously tell the sheep's stomach is swollen and large. Next, you need to check the backend of the sheep. If the backend of the sheep is red and swollen, they are close to delivery. In a picture I included you can see the sheep's mucus plug started to come out, it is not very large yet but it is showing growth.

Humans have ultrasounds machines that can quickly and easily check the health of the mom and baby. On a farm,  you need to get hands on to check the status of the pregnancy, by checking the tightness around the lady parts of the sheep. You need to pinch around, and if the area around the backend is tight, she is not ready, but if the area starts to get loose, she is probably closer to delivery.

1 comment:

  1. Has this sheep given birth yet? I imagine the answer is yes!
